Logo The Self Healing Movement

You are the essence of your existence.

Originating from within, you hold the inherent power to heal yourself.

Drawing from your inner resilience and strength,

you have the capacity to craft your own well-being.

The SelfHealing Movement Academy

Soulful & Intuitive SelfHealing

The mission of The SelfHealing Movement Academy is to assist you in reconnecting with your original essence. Some call this their soul, others call it God, or living from the heart. Whatever your perspective may be, we are all speaking about the same thing: being in connection with our core. This is precisely what True Health is. All lack of health stems from the loss of connection with our inner source. By healing that connection, we heal ourselves.

Doesn't that sound simple, actually? Connect with your heart, and voilà, you heal. In reality, something very profound happens: as soon as you start seeking that connection again, everything that obstructs that connection surfaces. Everything that blocks the path to your Being reveals itself. And it is in the transformation of all these obstacles that healing is achieved. It are these profound processes of inner healing that lead to outer healing.

And this is why I have started to build The SelfHealing Movement Academy. A safe space where you will find guidance and support to enter these processes, go through them, and emerge unscathed. You are most welcome into a close-knit community that we grow together, where you can safely share your experiences and feel empowered by the respect and loving support of fellow SelfHealers.

We go even further because selfhealing also has a practical component: actively working with the life-giving energy (aether) flowing through your body. Conscious observation and sensing of that energy enables you to restore energetic connections, allowing your physical body to heal itself. In a way, you activate your body's self-healing ability.

Both processes – the transformation of inner obstacles and the restoration of energy flow in and around your body – are supported by cosmic energy. These applications create a pure energy around you, making it much easier to work with the energy in your body and having a much more potent effect. Inner processes become easier to handle (we know that inner work can be very intense). They also make it possible to create a healthier living environment, for example, by neutralising the chemicals in food and beverages and reducing the impact of radiation on our bodies.

How we can support you

Mind powered Healing Techniques

Your holistic haven on the path to better Health

We will offer Mindful Movement classes, bodywork practices, energy healing sessions, and guided meditations. Additionally, the extensive training programs that we are creating are meticulously designed for self-guided learning.

We will equip you with the tools, provide valuable information, and guide you through the 'how-to' of selfhealing practices. It's your journey, and you have the freedom to select what aligns with your needs. Take what resonates with you and apply it in a way that suits your unique situation, crafting a personalized healing approach that's truly your own.

  Explore the Academy...(will soon be available)  

Mind powered Energy Tools

Unlock a pristine and powerful life energy

Imagine a boundless wellspring of life force that invigorates every living being. This is the essence of the energy tools that are available to you within the academy. We’ve created these practical applications so that you can easily work with source energy to bolster your healing journey, using the power of your own mind.

Heart powered Community

Create authentic connections

You're never alone on your journey to abundant health and well-being. Embrace the warmth of a community where kindred spirits, just like you, are committed to the path of transformation. Here, you'll discover the incredible power of mutual support.

Intuitive SelfHealing

The method we work with in The SelfHealing Movement is best described as "Intuitive SelfHealing". This is a profound journey of self-discovery and well-being, guided by your intuition. It's about tapping into the wisdom that resides deep within your soul, allowing you to access the keys to your own healing. There is no pre-described recipe for healing. We are all unique. We have our own story, our own past and future and no lifepath is alike. We walk on our own, yet not alone. The SelfHealing Movement intends to unite selfhealers worldwide, to go the path towards better health together so that we can support and inspire each other.

Your intuition – a sacred connection between your body, mind, and the vast universe that surrounds you. It is through body-awareness and awareness of your own energy field that you connect with your intuition and that self-healing becomes possible. This dynamic dance between your conscious and subconscious self allows you to become the conductor of your own symphony of well-being. With intuitive selfhealing, you'll discover the unique language of your body and mind, learning to listen to the whispers of your inner wisdom.

This connection transcends the boundaries of conventional healing methods. You are invited to look within and heal yourself from the inside out. With tools, trainings, meditation, mindfulness, bodywork, energywork and a supportive community - you'll find yourself a place where you feel at home and empowered to improve your well-being step by step.

More than a logo

Logo The Self Healing Movement

Our logo is a reference to our True Essence

The big splash-like dot in the centre stands for your core, your very own power centre. Here you will find resilience, strength and love. This is your connection with your true self, your soul.

The spiralling ovals around it indicate the journey towards growth and the journey inwards to unite with our true self and find support and guidance in our own inner core.

These spirals turn into the leaves of the Ginkgo tree that grow out of the circle. Expansion, renewal, youth, longevity. They symbolise infinite possibilities and encourage us to look with an open mind from different angles and embrace new perspectives.

The circle stands for our ongoing journey and reminds us to live in the moment. Without a beginning or an end, yet open and sketchy, every moment is a new opportunity to make a new choice and to live life.

Together with the spiralling ovals, the circle represents the movement of expansion-contraction that is the movement of life itself. The universe vibrates in the rhythm of expansion-contraction as does our hearts and our energy-field.

The big splash-like dot is connected with the two smaller dots that separate or combine the words. Three points towards synchronicity and unity: the well-known one plus one equals three, meaning that the totality is more than the combined forces of the parts.

The letterstyle is playful and clear, reminding us to take a light-hearted approach to life, to be clear in our intentions and to always be in motion.

The colours bring in their own symbolism: blue is the colour of true healing and has a calming effect, where the turquoise colour brings light and joy. The white stands for purity and a pristine energy and the warm yellow shows us that we give colour to our lives as we go and make our life experiences.

The SelfHealing Movement stands for the evolvement of humanity into our highest potential. Make sure you’re part of it.

stay in touch

Curious what The SelfHealing Movement is all about and what it can bring you? Our first course "Introduction to SelfHealing" has just become available and early subscribers will receive an exclusive invitation and free access. Become our VISH* by letting us know where to send the invitation:

*VISH because VIP is just not exclusive enough. So with us you become a Very Important SelfHealer.

stephanie joyous mind The SelfHealing Movement Academy

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