To You, Radiant Human Being

"It is time to shift our perspectives and start healing ourselves..."

Deep inside, you know that you can heal yourself. You've journeyed to your current point, recognizing that there are further gains awaiting.

Join us in The SelfHealing Movement and continue your healing journey with empowering support.

It's time to change our approach to health. Become the vital You that you deserve to be.

Physical limitations and illnesses often serve as guiding beacons, illuminating the path to our own healing. These limitations, which may seem like roadblocks, are, in fact, stepping stones on our journey towards growth and self-development. In the same breath, we honor the notion that not every physical challenge can be entirely mended. Sometimes, the presence of such challenges compels us to adjust our lifestyles and, in doing so, awakens dimensions of our being that might otherwise remain unexplored.

Take ownership of your well-being, recognizing your innate ability to listen communicate with your body and use the insights received to improve your health. With mindful awareness, consciously select the healing resources that resonate with you. In instances where conventional remedies may fall short or external solutions prove elusive, we are invited to craft our own distinctive journey of healing.


Over a decade of selfhealing has changed my life forever...

I'm Stephanie, the joyful mind behind The SelfHealing Movement.

My journey started over a decade ago when brain injury put me to a halt. When the main advice was 'to learn to live with it', I knew it was time to craft my own healing journey. It became a challenging and intense period of five years and just when I thought I had my life going again, I got injured a second time. Realising that there was more to learn for me, I embraced the situation and found out how to heal on an even deeper level.

In 2022 I started traveling and found that I could live without limitations. I was really able to do everything that I wanted. The joy and gratitude that brings can hardly be put into words. To feel alive everyday is more precious than anything in the world.

I've always felt the desire to help other people achieve a more vibrant health and there is no better time than now! That's why 2024 starts with building the most extensive source on SelfHealing you could find. Of course, like healing, everything starts with a tiny first step...

stay in touch

Curious what The SelfHealing Movement is all about and what it can bring you? Our first course "Introduction to SelfHealing" is almost ready and early subscribers will receive an exclusive invitation and free access as soon as it launches. Become our VISH* by letting us know where to send the invitation:

*VISH because VIP is just not exclusive enough. So with us you become a Very Important SelfHealer.

stephanie joyous mind The SelfHealing Movement Academy

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